Grey Goose Cherry Noir Vodka 1 Ltr
Grey Goose Cherry Noir.....
This vodka is aromatised with sun-kissed black cherries. Like this, it combines the aroma of fresh cherries with sweet red fruit. The result is a vodka that is both soft and highly aromatic, making every drink a perfect treat for your palate.
Master distiller at Grey Goose is Francois Thibault who is responsible for picking only the best cherries for the production of Grey Goose Cherry Noir. The cherries are harvested in the south of France where the climate is perfect to grow juicy and sweet black cherries.
Nose: Grey Goose Cherry Noir presents clear notes of cherries and a hint of sweet spices.
Palate: Aroma's of tart dark fruits is mixing in with a harmonic level of acidity. The lively cherry aroma with hints of cinnamon, allspice, banana and vanilla will leave a warm and soft mouthfeel, the finish is wonderfully velvety and clean.
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